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- {center}
- {subhead}Using MIDI And A Null Modem Cable{def}{p}
- Article by Johan Van Mensel
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- Hello,
- {p} {p}
- I wrote this article from my kind of view and about what I
- find important for myself!
- {p} {p}
- Before you try anything, first read the whole article.
- {p} {p}
- (Patrice is an Electronic Engineer)
- {p} {p}
- I have tested this setup with OctaMed 3, 4 and 5.04, and
- found that it works on all of them.
- {p} {p}
- I started to work with Amiga and OctaMed in 1991 and the
- first module I made named SOFT METAL BLUES. I have some
- songs on cassette but to who can I send them ?
- {p} {p}
- With Amiga I can reach many people.
- {p} {p}
- Sometimes a letter falls in the mailbox and that is what I
- like, so let me know where my music is and contact me for
- comment or anything!
- {p} {p}
- Read the manual over and over again, and try to learn as
- much as possible short cuts as you can. It will make your
- programming much easier. Even now I find I don't know
- enough!
- {p} {p}
- In the beginning when I was trying to play an 8 track
- module the program crashed or the sound was very very bad.
- I only used BPM tempos becauce sometimes I wrote my music
- on paper and I could follow the blocks beat by beat so
- sometimes if I tried to play with 8 tracks the tempo was
- wrong. Then someone told me I needed at least an 68030
- processor, and I believed him cause I did not know much
- about computers and did not read the manual good enough!!
- {p} {p}
- Patrice suggested that I used a 7- wire null modem cable
- and a mixer, as I had two Amigas.
- {p} {p}
- Later I found the address of MUG and wrote a letter to
- Richard Bannister to join MUG and to ask him what do I
- need to play 8 track with 68000 (see TI14) He told me
- you can play 8 track with a 68000 but not using the HQ
- setting. I was getting confused and so I took the manual
- of OctaMed 5.04 and started to read over and over again
- until I read how to play an 8 track module, in chapter 5.
- {p} {p}
- I did find myself very stupid that moment for not reading
- the manual carefully!!
- {p} {p}
- There are two miner points when playing 8 track: sound
- quality and volume (read the manual!) but I have made an 8
- track module, "The new high tech" (which was sent to the
- group with this article) and it proves that it sounds not
- bad at all for an 68000 !!!
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- What are good points?
- {p} {p}
- CASH!! Many of us maybe want to buy a synthesizer to
- play MIDI but don't have the cash, so it is much cheaper
- to buy a second hand Amiga than a synth.
- {p} {p}
- If you like, you don't need a second monitor - Patrice
- performed a miracle for me here: He connected all 3
- Amigas via a switch to one monitor so I can choose which
- display I want to see. I can now work with two monitors or
- only one!
- {p} {p}
- With one Amiga you can load 63 samples, with two 126 or
- with three Amigas 189 samples!
- {p} {p}
- Much more chip memory (depending your computers)
- {p} {p}
- A full 8 (12) channel tracker, with this I mean no halved
- samples, and 8 (12) good working volume channels.
- {p} {p}
- It is also possible to play 16 (24) tracks.
- {p} {p}
- The advantage now with 3 Amigas is that I can make a song
- at home, merge the 2 or 3 modules together, convert them
- into a MIDI file (explained further in the article) and
- give the final touch in the MIDI studio from Patrice. I
- intend to buy OctaMed 6 so I can directly save in MIDI.
- {p} {p}
- If you have an 8 track module that you can't play with
- your 68000 you can now halve it and play (again explained
- later in the article)
- {p} {p}
- {bold} {nobold}master slave 1 slave 2{p}
- For now I play with A 600 A 500 A 2000 all with
- 68000 processors.
- {p} {p}
- {center}MIDI
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- I first played with two Amigas and null modemcable 7 wire
- and OctaMed, which works perfectly. I've been reading in
- TI14 (the tutorial section - got a problem) that there can
- be problems with the cable and that is correct: there can
- be up to 10 different null modemcables.
- {p} {p}
- So Patrice made for me a cable only for sending and
- receiving MIDI signals! For those who are interested,
- here are the proper connections:
- {p} {p}
- The Amiga that sends MIDI signals is called {bold}MASTER{nobold}
- {p} {p}
- The Amiga that receives MIDI signals is called {bold}SLAVE{nobold}
- {p} {p}
- You need two female serial connectors and 1.5m twisted
- pair cable, as used in telephone networks. See your Amiga
- manual about the serial connector.
- {p} {p}
- {bold}WARNING !{nobold} Amiga 1000 needs a male serial connector ! RTFM !
- {p} {p}
- pin 2 = TXD = transmitting data{p}
- pin 3 = RXD = receiving data{p}
- pin 7 = GND = ground 0V
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- pin 2 TXD<_ _>2 TXD master txd to slave rxd{p}
- {bold} {nobold}\ /{p}
- {bold} {nobold}\/ master rxd to slave txd{p}
- {bold} {nobold}/\{p}
- {bold} {nobold}_/ \_ master gnd to slave gnd{p}
- {p} {p}
- pin 3 RXD< >3 RXD{p}
- {p} {p}
- pin 7 GND<------>7 GND
- {p} {p}
- In this formation both Amigas can be master or slave !
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- pin 2 TXD<_ _>2 TXD{p}
- {bold} {nobold} \ /{p}
- {bold} {nobold} \/{p}
- {bold} {nobold} /\{p}
- {bold} {nobold} _/ \_{p}
- pin 3 RXD< >3 RXD<------>3 RXD
- {p} {p}
- pin 7 GND<------>7 GND<------>7 GND
- {p} {p}
- In this formation slave 2 can only be a slave. Slave 2
- receives only MIDIsignals from the master!
- {p} {p}
- Patrice tried the normal and same connection from master
- to slave 1 for slave 1 to slave 2 and put OctaMed MIDI in
- slave 1 to SEND OUT INPUT but for some reason this did not
- work!
- {p} {p}
- The OctaMED 5.04 manual says that, when SEND OUT INPUT is
- activated, OctaMed replays input MIDI notes. It say
- nothing about the clocksignals.
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- For my own I uses the right Amiga as the master.
- {p} {p}
- Go in the menu to MIDI and click on MIDI ACTIVE and
- SEND SYNC and in the slave(s) you click MIDI ACTIVE --
- {p} {p}
- An important rule is that the Amigas have to play in 4
- track or 8 track.
- {p} {p}
- If you try to play one 4 and other 8 track than it does
- not work - the program will crash (my A600 did). YOU'VE
- {p} {p}
- Another important rule is do not load the same modules in
- the Amigas for trying out! You'll lose sound quality
- {p} {p}
- (only for testing the following....)
- {p} {p}
- The same problem has been mentioned in TI14 (tutorial
- section - "Got a Problem")
- {p} {p}
- The author of the article is not entirely convinced that
- there is no delay on the null modemcable (5.5 nanoseconds
- per meter cable) that you can not hear.
- {p} {p}
- If there is a delay that you can hear, it comes from the
- hardware or the software. Remember you can only hear
- delays above 4 milliseconds. Below that value you have
- ONLY and MAYBE a distortion impression.
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- SAME TIME !!!!
- {p} {p}
- --------------- ---------------- -------------
- {p} {p}
- Test this with the same bassdrum in 2 Amigas, one on the
- left channel in the left Amiga and one in the right
- channel in the right Amiga. There is no way you can hear
- an delay by listening. Now delete the right track of your
- right Amiga and paste it in the left track (right Amiga)
- {p} {p}
- ( 1 ) Both Amigas have now the same sample on the left
- channel.
- {p} {p}
- Click on start and you will hear a bad quality sample
- playing. Turn the left pan button of the left Amiga from
- the mixer to the right and you will hear a good sounding
- MONO sample! If there is really a delay you must hear it
- now !!!! I have tested this with headphones and I could
- not hear a difference.
- {p} {p}
- An even better way to test this is... load the same module
- in both Amigas and start playing, at first you will hear a
- bad sounding module playing. Now turn on the mixer from
- the left Amiga the left pan to the right and the right
- pan button to the left. You will hear the module perfect
- playing in MONO!
- {p} {p}
- Again... if there is an delay , you must hear it now!!!!
- {p} {p}
- Hear the difference in soundquality when playing other
- modules !
- {p} {p}
- There is a delay in tiny milliseconds! (software?)
- {p} {p}
- (the distortion is probably caused by the waveforms of the
- two identical samples) set both Amigas Like ( 1 ) but take
- a piano sample and start playing.
- {p} {p}
- Go to instrument settings of the master and transpose the
- sample two whole notes up: the distortion is gone !!
- {p} {p}
- A MIDI player with two the same synthesizers would have
- the same problem !!!
- {p} {p}
- If you have a synthesizer and like to buy a new one, I'm
- very sure you will buy another and not the one you already
- have: you want the latest model, so you never will play
- with the same sound (waveform) at the same time !
- {p} {p}
- To measure this you need special instruments. Patrice told
- me that he will test it (if he got the time) So maybe
- I'll know more about this later.
- {p} {p}
- But again... you never play with the same sample on the
- same channel at the same time!! Don't let this so-called
- problem mislead you and use your OctaMed in the proper
- way.
- {p} {p}
- Notice that when you are playing an 2 (3) Amigas module
- with OctaMed 5.04 it is possible the "sg" (song playing
- sequence - of the master) sometimes forgets to follow the
- song. A new block is playing but the previous block and
- songnumbers are still showing in the window. When again
- playing the following block the correct numbers jump back
- in position !
- {p} {p}
- This is good for you to know that this can happen, because
- when following your song you could think one of the two
- OctaMeds is out of position.
- {p} {p}
- Is it a BUG? Is it MIDI? I have tested this with OctaMed
- 3 and 4 and there is no problem at all!
- {p} {p}
- (Actually, this is a bug, because I've noticed it too
- while playing non-MIDI tunes. I /think/ it's still there
- in OctaMED 6, too - MSR)
- {p} {p}
- Don't worry too much - your module is playing correct and
- that's what counts !
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- I think START, STOP and CONTINUE are the only MIDI
- features you need to work with the Amigas.
- {p} {p}
- In BPM mode the slave(s) follow the master's tempo and
- tempochanges (by clocksignal)
- {p} {p}
- ( 2 ) In SPD (in 4 track) the slave(s) will also follow
- the master when primary tempo (left) is changed (not
- secondary!! - right) It is possible to edit the slave(s)
- via the master but it goes much quicker directly! (too
- complicated) When you have 3 Amigas load in slave 1 and
- slave 2 a sample.
- {p} {p}
- Now set the INPUT CHANNEL of slave 1 on 1 and the INPUT
- CHANNEL of slave 2 on 2. Load a sample in the master and
- play the keyboard.
- {p} {p}
- Now you hear the sample of the master. Go to the
- instrument parameters window and set the MIDIch on 1 and
- play the keyboard. Now you hear the sample of slave 1, set
- the MIDIch on 2 and play, now you hear the sample of slave
- 2. Now set the INPUT CHANNEL of slave 1 also on 2 and play
- on the masters keyboard, what do you hear now ??
- {p} {p}
- Exactly. . you hear slave 1 and slave 2 playing at the
- same time!
- {p} {p}
- This example shows you how MIDI works.
- {p} {p}
- There are other programs that are written to make your
- Amiga use MIDI modules and where you can use more
- samples! (maybe later more about this)
- {p} {p}
- Amigas 8 track)?
- {p} {p}
- YES!! The START, STOP and CONTINUE also work but not
- the clocksignal!
- {p} {p}
- Now you don't have a master that leads the other
- OctaMed(s) so all you have to do now is putting in the 2,
- 3 modules the tempo and tempochanges!
- {p} {p}
- I have tested with an 8 track module, The new high tech in
- all 3 Amigas with OctaMed 5.04, all 3 stopped exactly
- after 11. 47 min. in the songsequence on the same block on
- the same line!!!!
- {p} {p}
- (also tested with STOP, CONTINUE and LOOP! (set in all 3))
- {p} {p}
- When all three are playing 4 track in SPD the 2 slaves
- follows the master in primary tempo (see (2))
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- If you know your shortcuts it goes very quickly (see your
- manual)
- {p} {p}
- Load the 8 track module and set the channel mode to 4,
- delete the first four channels of all blocks.
- {p} {p}
- Add to the modulename the letter R for right.
- {p} {p}
- Flush all unused samples and save.
- {p} {p}
- Load again the 8 track module but now delete the four last
- tracks of all blocks, flush all unused and save with the
- letter L for left after the module name.
- {p} {p}
- If played in BPM see that all the tempochanges are set in
- the master, if played in SPD all tempochanges in both
- modules.
- {p} {p}
- {left}
- {p} {p}
- OctaMed 6 can save MIDI (I don't have the program yet!! so
- I don't know anything about it!)
- {p} {p}
- TIP!! As far as I know the best way to program the OctaMed
- for a MIDI module (for a beginner) is to take one sample
- on one track for each MIDI channel so you have a good
- look about what you are doing!
- {p} {p}
- Load your left (first) module. Go to MENU song select and
- choose "add new".
- {p} {p}
- Load the second (and third).
- {p} {p}
- Put all the blocks of song 1 in 8 (12 - 16 - 24) tracks.
- {p} {p}
- Now you can copy one by one all blocks of song 2 (and 3)
- into song 1.
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- (than you only have to copy block 00 -> 00 / 01 -> 01
- / 02 -> 02 etc. . )
- {p} {p}
- Flush all instruments. Save and convert the module into a
- MIDI file.
- {p} {p}
- You can also KEEP the samples to convert in MUSIC-X, when
- the requester appears while add new... click on REMAP (y)
- {p} {p}
- If you want all samples and tracks in order like you have
- made them, put all the samples of the other module(s)
- also in the MASTER! IN ORDER!!
- {p} {p}
- (Piano in 01 of the left module also in 01 of the master!)
- {p} {p}
- When loading the MASTER as last and requester appears. . .
- click on DON'T REMAP, all samples are in right position!
- (Try it!!)
- {p} {p}
- With this article I hope I could help some of you to
- expand your musical possibilities and ideas!!
- {p} {p}
- Greetings !{p}
- Johan{p}
- son.of.zoic@wol.be
- {p} {p}
- {p} {p}
- Editor: Johan also incuded several sample madules with this article,
- but space restraints forbaid me from including them. So, he would like
- it knoown that if anyone is interested they can contact Johan for
- sending the modules.
- {p} {p}